Final event

International conference, round tables and social theatre workshop

Saturday, October 29, 2022
from 9am to 6pm
Comunità San Patrignano, Coriano (RN), Italy

The Re.Sto.Re. Project partnership realized the “NOW RE.STO.RE. – Arts for Social Inclusion” event on October 29, 2022 at Comunità San Patrignano, Italy.

Having reached the final stage of the Re.Sto.Re. Project, and thanks to the two themed panels in the morning, representatives of the partner organizations discussed the results. In addition, they reflected on future challenges by meeting representatives of institutions and professionals from the cultural and social sectors.

Participants could choose between two social theatre workshops in the afternoon: #LATORTADIFEDE, led by Monica Gocilli of Drop Company and Federico Tossani, San Patrignano; and PUPPETRY WORKSHOP, led by Teatr Grodzki (Poland).